Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blog Hop

Are you looking for ways to get new followers??  After blogging for 5 months, I decided to try a Blog Hop.  I had always seen them mentioned on Twitter and other blogs but never paid it any attention.  I had put a lot of my focus on the "Mommy Blogger" sites like, Mom Bloggers Club.  Don't get me wrong, it is still a great place to network.

Now, that I am a stay at home mom, I had the time to try it out.  Well, I am glad that I did.  Not only did I find great blogs to follow, I went from 50 followers to 67 in 2 weeks!  I couldn't believe it.  So, now I put it in my schedule to participate in at least 1 Blog Hop a week because it is a bit overwhelming, especially when you like to respond to comments.

I am the first person who likes to stick to routines and things that I like.  The more I blog the more I see that trying new things will help grow your blog!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Social Networking Sites for Mommy Bloggers

New to Blogging?  Looking to network?  I have been blogging now for 4 months and have found some great social networking sites for "Mommy Bloggers".  I noticed when I started joining the networks that they all seem to look very similar, but I have found many differences.  For example, I started a discussion on 2 different networks, same exact discussion.  I found that the one network yielded no responses but the other yielded many.  With that said, here are 4 of the Social Networking sites that I have joined as a "Mommy Blogger":

1. Mom Bloggers Club (Over 12,000 Members) - This was the very first network that I joined.  I have gotten many followers from this site.  I would have to say that the majority of people that follow my blog are from MBC.

2. Social Moms (Over 29,000 Members) - This was the second network that I joined.  They used to be called TwitterMoms.  I have found a lot of people to follow on Twitter in this network.  One thing I really like about this site is that they provide you an opportunity to write different posts for prizes.  I entered one sponsored by Cuddl Duds, and won a Cuddl Duds $40 Gift Card.  I was so excited and it was fun to write:)

3. Bloggy Moms (Over 4,000 Members) - This is the most recent site that I have joined.

4. Twitter -  This is a very great way to network and increase traffic to your blog.  After every post, I link it up to Twitter.  It gets your blog noticed by individuals that do not necessarily follow your blog.  You can also monetize your twitter account with Sponsored Tweets.  I have earned .39 cents so far.

Each site has something different and unique to offer.  Try them out if you haven't already, I am sure you will enjoy them:)

Feel free to comment and leave information on other sites that I may not have listed:)